Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. Action Figure – Desert Wanderer – Boss Fight Studio - The Store
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Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. Action Figure – Desert Wanderer

  • $4100

Desert Wanderer

Barbarian Refugee

Even the most inhospitable places have their inhabitants, for generations, humanity has adapted to the harshest conditions imaginable. With the world in turmoil and danger around every corner, small groups of the dispossessed have gathered together under the banner of the Barbarian tribe in an attempt to seek refuge and mutual aid. First came the Stormvaktere Barbarians forced southwards by the raising of a dragon in their region. Now the survivors of an unnatural cataclysm from the arid lands of Madir have fled to the borders of Accord in the hope of securing a new home. Cooperation between those from the far north and the south was slow at first, but trust came with time came. Now the diverse groups have allied to offer protection, medical treatment and a united front against the Orcs and other monsters that seek to do them harm. Members of the expanded Barbarian group offer their services to all with coin to spare, with the Desert tribes being especially useful as scouts and skirmishers.

Temporal Log

The Principality of Madir was enshrouded by a choking cloud over the course of a few days. Only those who fled at the first appearance of the bright purple fog survived. Now the lands lie empty, though its flora and fauna remain entirely intact. It as if someone wanted the entire area depopulated of the sentient races. The destruction is too precise to be a natural event. Some sorcerer or faction amongst the warring groups wanted Madir for themselves, but to what end? 

*This is an adult collectible item for ages 12 and up. Contains small parts. 

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